COVID-19 Mobile Vaccinations
Red Sea Homecare Agency is proud to offer mobile, on-site, and at home vaccinations!
Since the COVID-19 Pandemic began RSHA has strived to administer as many vaccines possible in a safe and efficient manner.
RSHA has now created an MVU (Mobile Vaccine Unit) to help vaccinate those who are unable to get to a vaccine facility.
These groups include the at-risk, underserved, elderly, and immunocompromised members of our community.
Please contact us today for more information on how to request our Mobile Vaccination Services!
Book a Vaccine Pop Up Event!
Book a vaccination event at the comfort of your home!
Minimum requirement of 25 individuals.
Past POP-UP MVU Clinic Locations
St. Stephens and St. Agnes School
First Congressional School
Ramsay Recreation Center
Pedatrics Internationale
Brandywine Living Center
Woodbine Rehabilitation Center
Medico Family Clinic
Shirley Gate Mosque
MAS (Muslim American Society)
Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center